
Testing... Testing...

Now that I have started using a test suite -- this one, in fact -- my life has improved. At least I can see why PHP is not doing what I want it to.

There is something very satisfying about testing as you go. It definitely improves the modularity of your code.


So strlen is just way more intuitive than length()!


Obviously, I'm using php4. Because I have to.

If I could use php5, I would.

If I could use (almost) anything besides, php, four or five, I would. Including languages I don't even know but would love to learn. Python, for example. That would be fun.

PHP rant : anonymous functions

Anonymous functions in PHP are a joke. Maybe not in their overall functionality but at least in their syntax, that is with create_function. I mean, really: the function is a string of code that somehow gets evaled into a function?

If you are going to have anonymous functions, it would be nice to be able to write them like functions.


This is obviously my first post here. This blog is going to be about programming. Right now it is going to be about why I hate the php programming language. That is why I decided to create this blog today. I would have eventually done it anyway, but it would have been later. So there you are. I'm going to publish this and then go see what this thing looks like. Back with some rants quickly.